Update from our Pastor 5/10/2020

Dear Friends,

May this note find you staying well and exploring new ways to use our imposed circumstances for good. And Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who make this day an excellent reason for recognition and honor.  I “attended” this weekend my first ever virtual wedding ceremony, and am wondering what the two weddings I am to officiate this summer will look like when we get to them.

I would like you to know that elders and deacons have this week been talking around what our options may be as our county (and state and country) continue to creep closer to the yellow (and eventually, green) zones we are so eager to experience.  As you may be aware, there has been a groundswell movement of Beaver County leaders aiming to make this happen earlier than the governor’s officially-announced early June date, and we shall see how that plays out — though be aware that, whatever that looks like officially, it will present a complex of options for us to sort through.  So, our discussion continues, and in the next few weeks I expect we will have a recommended course of action to put out for you all.

This week’s sermon has been posted on the Tusca web site. The direct link is:


I miss you all very much!!  There has never been a better time to make use of phone, skype or other social media to connect with family and friends and stay connected with the people you love.

Warmest greetings, and blessings, to you all! – Jonathan