Update from our Pastor 5/24/2020

Dear Friends at Tusca,

This has been an almost surreal weekend as Beaver County joins the yellow zone and the Memorial Day weekend draws out people in droves after what has seemed to all of us like a strangely attenuated winter of stillness and distance.  Reflecting that (and what we hope will be further) change in regional status, the officers met in person this week and have together been itemizing the details of what we would need to plan for when it comes to meeting in person for worship and other activities at the church building — we are looking into mid-June with the idea that possibly by then (it is just weeks away) we might have an abbreviated double morning service that would facilitate spacious seating arrangements and a manageable cleanliness situation.  As we become more specific, we shall let you know.

Please know that the most recent sermon is now available online (as we will continue to do, even when some of us start up worship together, so that no one is left out); it is on the church website or can be accessed via this direct link:


Remember that I am open for summer topical preaching requests – you can email or text them to me.  Also, you will be receiving an email asking you to indicate whether you would like to attend the earlier (10am) or later (11:15am) Sunday services when we start them up, possibly around the middle of June. Nearer the time, we will remind you of the protocols we would ask you to maintain (such as spacing, use of face masks, availability of hand sanitizer, etc.) when we do, in fact, start up our worship services once again.

If there is any way we can be of assistance to your household, please let us know.  I hope you are staying well!

Warmly, in Christ,
