Update from our Pastor 6/7/2020

Greetings All –

I hope this continues to find you well, as our county inches closer to the coveted green code rating by the end of this week.  I want to thank those who provided food for the luncheon that followed Bob Boyde’s memorial service on Tuesday; as you remember his family and close friends, please include as well the families of Don Sullivan, who had a long time connection with Geneva College, and also retired Pastor Ed Robson, who is known to many of us, following the loss of his wife Gretchen late this week.  The passing of saints like these is a reminder of how precious life is, and that we continue on in the faithful and steady arms of our loving God.  One day we shall see a massive and glorious reunion.

This week’s sermon, the tenth in our series on Conversations With Jesus, is posted on the Tusca Church website, and is also available through direct link:   http://www.tuscachurch.org/sermons/conversations-with-jesus-part-10-sparring-in-tyre/

You will hear, at the beginning of the message, my comment that we shall indeed have a 10am service next Sunday, June 14th.  We will want to practice some sort of ‘social distancing’ and we ask as well that you bring a mask and be ready to follow the guidance of one or more people who will give specific directions to you upon arrival, on such things as seating and related arrangements.   During the week ahead, I will be consulting with the officers of the church on questions related to these arrangements, and also will consider whether we have just that one service, or whether another will follow later in the morning.  Details on all these matters will be emailed to you later in the week.

Warmly, in his service,
